At Monogram, our dedication to quality is at the core of everything we do. From sourcing the finest coffees to serving delicious drinks in our cafes, our commitment to exceptional coffee shapes our roasting philosophy in profound ways. In a recent interview with one of our co-founders, Ben Put, we delved into our approach to roasting coffee and the “why” behind it.
Roasting Quality Coffee When asked about the influence of our dedication to quality on our roasting philosophy, Ben Put highlighted the essence of our mission: "Whenever we cup a coffee, we get an idea of what specific attributes of that coffee we want to share." The pursuit of excellence is what guides our roast profiles. Whether it's a unique variety or a special processing method, we aim to showcase what makes each coffee uniquely exceptional, ensuring it shines through in every cup.

Maximizing Flavour Our roasting goal at Monogram has always been clear: to maximize flavour. Instead of leaning into rigid dark or light roast profiles, we focus on what we believe brings out the best in each coffee. "We roast to bring out the most intensity of aromatics, sweetness, and character," Ben emphasized. This approach is not without its risks though, and we often walk a fine line between maximum development and avoiding a roasty taste. Finding the balance is key, as it's this delicate balance that allows us to extract the true essence of each coffee, elevating its inherent flavours to new heights.
Overcoming Challenges Over the years, we've encountered lots of different hurdles in our roasting journey. From initially adopting a one-size-fits-all approach to adapting to the evolving landscape coffee varieties and processing methods, every challenge has been an opportunity for growth. Our approach is more varied across origins and processing types now, true to our commitment of highlighting the unique qualities of each bean while honouring the craft of coffee roasting.
Cultivating a Culture of Innovation At Monogram, experimentation is woven into the fabric of our culture. We aim to spark wonder and inspire curiosity with coffee. We also maintain a strong commitment to our values and philosophy, and as Ben said, "all of the coffee we roast and serve, we have to really like." While we embrace trends and push boundaries, our authenticity remains key. It's this genuine passion for exceptional coffee that drives our exploration of new processes and flavours while staying true to our core values.

Anticipating Trends Looking ahead, Ben identified co-fermenting coffee as a popular trend on the horizon. While this is currently prevalent in regions like Colombia and Brazil, it’s a technique that's likely to expand globally. "Rapid changes in techniques like this could definitely be a handful for roasting and sourcing," said Ben, highlighting our readiness to adapt to emerging trends while staying dedicated to our commitment of roasting exceptional coffee.
At Monogram, roasting coffee isn't just a process—it's a passion. Our dedication to quality, commitment to flavour, and culture of innovation are at the heart of everything we do. We believe that coffee should bring people together and spark curiosity.